"JOY in the Journey" (Post 6)

"JOY in the Journey"
(Post 6)

So this morning was complete noise and chaos with the twins. Of course I did not handle it very well. In fact, instead of remaining calm I raised my voice and allowed my own anxiety to take over. It escalated the situation to a different level. I was not happy with myself and ended up calling Jim and the kids to apologize for not handling it correctly.

Five minutes later my phone rings and my son had called me from school to apologize for his behavior. We talked, I apologized specifically to him again, I pointed out what we both had done wrong, pointed us back to Jesus and we ended the phone conversation on a very good note.

Even in the midst of what seemed like complete chaos I am seeing the hand of God. He is working. And so on this difficult (but also JOYFUL) journey I am choosing to trust my Savior and my King.


  1. Brenda, these are developing well in trust of the Savior and how great is that? You ARE most certainly forgiven for times that you get upset. So glad you and your family could share in that forgiveness. Also know (since I'm not sure if you are sorry for getting anxious and yelling or standing up for what's right...?) that a parent's role (old word: vocation) is like God's majesty hidden in daily life, based on the Fourth Commandment. Just saying that it's also not a child's place to ever question your authority, and you needn't apologize for stating what needs to be done by the children, assertively and plainly, without explanation. Whether it's going to church or taking medications, we do these things because they benefit us in ways that are unseen, yet still important. And so unless the child obeys these directives, there can be no fun and games at the very least, but stern warnings and reminders. (Okay enough from me. But the fun part is then, after they have heard the law from you, the Gospel can enter in and you and your husband can truly enjoy some wonderful times with the children, even just normal Sundays and school days.)

    What can I say? I'm a pastor. Maybe you already know this and this is really long-winded and off topic. If so, please disregard and go about life as you were. It is from the Large Catechism, essentially. I offer it for your thought and reflection.

    Pastor Joel
    Cleveland, OH

    1. Thank you for your input pastor!! I totally agree. Blessings ☺


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